Doing IT Yourself: DIY IT Techniques That You Should Learn

IT skills are some of the most important and useful things that you could possibly spend your time developing in the modern world. Not only is IT incredibly beneficial to most career paths, but an understanding of IT could, itself, open even more career paths up to you. All of which is why you might want to consider spending some time learning how to interact with IT yourself. As with many things, the best way to get to grips with IT is to learn by doing and this article aims to help you do just that by suggesting a handful of IT areas that you might want to try to get to grips with.

Building Your Own Computer

Learning how to build your own computer is a great way to begin getting used to the hardware aspects of IT and will generally make you far more comfortable investigating any potential issues with hardware. Fundamentally, you will feel more at ease with what you know, which is why this exercise will work to make you extremely comfortable troubleshooting hardware issues.

Understanding the Components.

The first thing you want to do when looking into building a computer is to understand the various components that make up the whole of the computer. From your motherboard to your power supply, there are a fair few things that make a computer what it is. Some of the best ways to get used to what your computer will entail include watching informational videos online and reading up through reliable sources.

Researching Specifications.

Once you know the basics about the various aspects of putting a computer together, you are going to need to plan out the specifics of the computer you want to build. You should already know how to pair components that are compatible with one another, like finding a motherboard with a socket that matches the processor you want. Once you have researched and acquired the components of your computer, you can move on to the next step.

Knowing How to Put Them Together.

Finally, you can work to put everything together. This is the process that should work the most to get you comfortable interacting with computer hardware and is itself something of a learning experience. Be sure to treat the components carefully and make certain you don’t generate any kind of static charge while dealing with these components, otherwise you might destroy the more delicate aspects of your computer.

Electrical Engineering

This is a complicated and very detailed field to begin delving into. However, if you manage to stick it out and learn everything you can about the most detailed aspects of technology, then you will be far more qualified than most to interact with hardware.

Learning About the Various Components.

There are a lot of complicated techy components that you are going to need to learn about while you are learning about electrical engineering, from chip smd resistors to analog to digital converters, and many others besides. By learning about all of these components you will achieve a much higher understanding of the way most technology works and become far more able to interact with it.

Getting Professional Education.

At the end of the day, however, it is most important that you are educated professionals in electrical engineering. This is a complicated and potentially dangerous field, and not something that you should be attempting to learn without guidance.

Computer Coding and Programming

A brilliant skill to develop when it comes to learning IT yourself is computer coding and programming. There are many different schools of programming, but the usefulness of any of them cannot be understated. Plus, these skills can themselves be applied to helping you solve issues within your own work. The ability to, for example, create a program to compute data for you can help to cut down on your workload and make any future work in the same vein a breeze.

Selecting a Language/Skill to Learn.

When looking to learn how to code and program, the very first thing you are going to need to do is to select a coding language that you are going to be interacting with and learning first. There are plenty of potential options for you to choose from and often the best way to decide is to consider what you want to do with your future coding. Python, for example, is a fantastic language to learn and is very easily turned to many purposes, but if you were looking to learn how to develop video games, you would be better suited in learning a language such as C# or C++. By narrowing your choices this way, you can select a language to learn that is both easy to learn and well suited to your future interests.

Going Over the Basics.

Once you’ve selected the language that you want to learn, the next thing that you are going to want to do is to begin learning the basic principles of that language. There are many avenues of learning that might work for you, but some of the most popular are online courses provided by companies like Codecademy, or through reading published texts by respected professionals.

Practicing and Applying Your Skills.

At last, once you have built up a sufficient skill base to be thought of as able in the language you have selected, the best way to keep your skills sharp is through constant application and practice of the principles you have been taught.

Troubleshooting and IT Problem-Solving

Finally, one of the best skills you can learn when it comes to applying IT skills in other areas is the ability to identify and solve problems with technology quickly and efficiently. 

This would mean that you are far more able to fiddle around with and fix any issues that arise in the workplace, regardless of where or how they turn up. In fact, the ability to solve both hardware and software issues would make you one of the most important IT support individuals in any business.