5 eCommerce Conversion Hacks Guaranteed to Increase Sales in 2020

If you’re looking for some practical ways to increase the conversion rate and sales of your eCommerce store, then look no further. Here are five eCommerce conversion hacks that’ll double your conversion rate and generate more sales from your existing site traffic.

First, what is the conversion rate of an online store?

The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your online store who complete the desired action. In simple terms, it is the percentage of website visitors who buy something from your online store within a certain period of time.

Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Conversion Rates

The average conversion rate for eCommerce websites is between 1 and 2 percent. Even if you do everything right, you can still increase the conversion rate. The following 5-step eCommerce conversion hacks are simple. But they’ll help you to increase your conversion rates in an effective way. 

Let’s dive right in…

01. Page Speed Matters

Page speed plays an important role in the eCommerce conversion rate. According to research by Google, If your eCommerce site takes more than 2 seconds to load, 53% of your potential customers lose interest

That’s huge.

For example, if your site receives 10,000 visitors per month, more than 5,000 visitors will leave without buying anything.

Hosting is the # 1 factor that affects website speed. Be sure to invest in a quality web hosting provider that has the ability to handle multiple visitors at the same time. As you can see in this web hosting review by Woblogger, Cloudways offer high performing managed cloud hosting with impressive levels of uptime. 

02. Go Responsive

If your online store doesn’t offer a great mobile experience, you’re losing a lot of sales. That’s why having a responsive website matter.

What is responsive web design?

It means that your site will automatically “adapt” to fit a variety of screen sizes, resolutions, and devices. Having a responsive web design is important rather than building separate design elements for different devices. Responsive web design enhances the user experience and minimizes the need to resize or scroll.

03. Use High-Quality Images and Video on Your Product Pages

When we shop online, we cannot touch or feel a product. So, what do we want to see when we shop?

We want to see a detailed image or watch a video. Then, we know exactly what we are getting.

Having high-quality images on product pages enhance the user experience and increase the conversion rates.

If you really want to make an impact on your site visitors, I suggest using high-quality images on the product pages. High-quality product images help visitors visualize the product. But make sure to compress these images. Otherwise, they will lead to poor site performance. 

04. Make Your Checkout Form Easy to Understand

Another eCommerce conversion hack is to simplify your checkout process. 

The checkout process is the final stage of closing a sale in your eCommerce store. But if the checkout form is too long or has to sign up, customers will often abandon their carts and leave without completing the payment.

There are simple and effective strategies to overcome these issues.

  • Reduce the number of fields on your checkout form.
  • Offer a guest checkout option.
  • Offers a single page, out-of-the-box checkout.

Furthermore, you can create a custom checkout experience that fits your brand and customers.

05. Follow Up on Abandoned Carts

What is cart abandonment?

Cart abandonment happens when someone put items on the cart for an online order but leave before completing the purchase. 

Paying attention to your abandoned cart rates is crucial because it’s an enormous opportunity to increase the conversion rate. First of all, we need to understand why shoppers leave without completing the purchase.

There are several reasons for that.

  • Product description.
  • Costs and prices.
  • Device.

Approximately 35% of cart abandonment can be retrieved with some improvements to your e-commerce website.

  • Optimize your online store for conversions.
  • Have a better product copy.
  • Improve your checkout process experience.
  • Send follow up email with a special discount or coupon code.
  • Offer free shipping.

Another eCommerce conversion hack to convert abandoned customers is running Facebook and Google retargeting campaigns. Running a retargeting campaign is an ideal choice to pull the potential customers back.

Final thoughts 

Do you want to improve the conversion rate of your online store? But don’t know where to start.

Don’t worry.

There are so many things you can do to increase the conversion rate of your eCommerce store. I suggest you start with these simple eCommerce conversion hacks to get the desired conversion rate and get more sales.

How do you improve the conversion rate on your e-commerce site? Let us know via comments.