If you have applied to become an Uber driver and you also have done planning as well. And you also got your PCO card, PCO paper, DVLA check code, and PHV license. Now you are all set to drive your vehicle and earn more money from the Uber app. Being a PCO car driver there are some things which you are not supposed to do.

Some Essential Details:

You could also search for PCO Car Hire and know more about PCO cars. PCO cars are not black cabs or buses, this is the reason that you are not allowed to drive in the bus lane. You are only allowed unless you are a black cab or bus driver. Therefore, it means that you are not allowed to pick up passengers and drop off passengers on the bus lane either.

When you are driving and picking up passengers then this way you are supposed to be extremely polite and you are not supposed to show any rudeness to your passengers. This thing could make your rating better and this way this rating would affect you in a good way since it would make you better as a driver.

You Need to be Considerate:

If you see that the trip is happening around you need to be more thoughtful and kinder, plus you are supposed to ask your passengers if they would like a radio station on or if they like some water. It is a good idea always to keep water in the car for all the passengers. They would remember this gesture and then this would definitely make your rating better. After the trip is over and if your passengers give you some tip then it is very great for you and you are supposed to be extremely thankful and kind to them since they would remember the trip and your rating would be increased.

You Should Follow the Procedure For PCO License:

Applying for a PCO license seems complicated, but it is very simple. Simply follow the steps below:

  • Full Criminal Selection (DBS):

As a key aspect of the application process, you must prove that you are a “good person.” To do this, you must use the group to complete the upgraded DBS audit (which is specified by the certification authority). This can cost about £ 60.

  • Breeze Through Medical Tests:

To obtain a PCO license, you must meet the medical requirements through the DVLA Group 2 standard. Standards include response time, hearing tests and verification of various serious health conditions. You can complete your treatment test with your doctor or another health professional who has full access to your records. This can cost about £ 80.

  • English Test Survey:

The level of English required is not equal to high school. You must pass the test with a TfL Certified Language Test Provider. However, in general, your academic ability (such as GCSE) can eliminate your participation in the English language test. Those PCO drivers who take the services of PCO Car Hire must pass the English test. 

  • Fill in the Application Form:

Visit the official TfL website and start the submission process. You can join the network and request a paper application. Don’t forget to fill the important portions of the application form. At the end of the form its all the policy of the company in detail. Don’t miss to read all the policies. For more information check this out: