Technology in the Workplace: 5 Crucial Pros of Employee Tracking Software

If you’re a business owner or a CEO, you might have considered implementing some form of the employee tracking system on corporate computers. And if you’re an employee, you’re probably at least a little bit sceptical about its use and effect on you.

Whichever the case, this article will aim to give you a general idea of how employee tracking software can actually be beneficial for employers and employees alike.

Before we dive in, let’s mention some characteristics of computer monitoring software such as the one you can get from TrackTime24. It is typically installed on every employee’s computer and managers can then use the software to monitor computer usage, including real-time monitoring, apps used, time tracking and so on.

All of these features give companies important insights they can use to improve five areas of work.

1. Control

First of all, work computer tracking gives employees information on what the employees are doing on their computers. This goes towards increased control.

Real-time computer monitoring can be used to see what the workers are doing at any given time. Additionally, their activity is tracked and recorded and you can get a daily, weekly or monthly report on their performance. Nowadays, these platforms are so sophisticated that they’ll give data on which apps your employees are using, and even which websites they’re visiting.

Having greater control should be used to help drive you closer to your business goals. You, as an employer, don’t have to know everything about everyone and the fact that your workers log into Twitter once or twice a day is OK. But employee tracking will give you an opportunity to pinpoint the source of the problem when it arises so that you can act in a timely manner.

2. Productivity

Yes, employee monitoring can have some benefits for the employees too. One of the biggest is the increase in productivity.

Lok at it this way: If you knew which employee is the fastest at doing a certain task, who’s slacking off a bit too much and which team is consistently finishing their projects on time, how would you go about using this data? You would probably give the urgent tasks to the fastest employee, talk to the one slacking off or block the problematic apps or websites, and you would give your most important time-sensitive project to the most reliable team.

There are other ways to boost productivity using the data from employee tracking apps, such as seeing which workers are having trouble with particular software and then providing additional training. This benefits both the individual and the team, and by extension, the whole company.

3. Evaluation

Closely tied with productivity is the issue of giving your workers fair and constructive feedback on their performance in the form of regular evaluations.

Using the data from an employee tracking system can give employers a statistical basis for evaluating each worker in an objective manner. Whichever data you decide to use, make sure that it reflects each employee’s strengths and weaknesses. Some monitoring apps even have an employee productivity tracker which gives you report on the trend of this aspect of the data over time.

Fair evaluations are important for employees’ growth and progress. And employee tracking software will give you the capability to provide data-driven evaluations with actionable advice and guidelines.

4. Security

There are a lot of features that computer usage software can have that aim to increase certain aspects of security for the company.

For example, we can find systems that offer screenshot features that let you manually take a screenshot of any monitored computer at any given time or set an interval of time during which employee monitoring software will automatically take random screenshots. Some systems even have built-in keystroke trackers.

These features allow you to have tighter control and insight into what your employees are up to, which can help you find and contain critical leaks, whether they are intentional or accidental.

5. Automation

Because employee tracking software has the ability to monitor and record so many things, it can also be used to automate some processes, saving companies time and resources.

For instance, you can track attendance and clock-ins with great precision. You can also track usage of licenced software to decide whether you should keep using it.

Lastly, the new and constantly improving capability of certain types of employee monitoring software is the automated time tracking which is able to track time spent on each project only by recognizing file names. This not only automates the record keeping, but it also counts billable hours and eliminates human error.


Notorious as it is, especially among the employees, there’s no denying that employee tracking software helps with many crucial aspects of work processes, productivity and efficiency. Realizing what this system can bring to a company and then implementing it in the proper way, with regard to both your business needs and your employees, can help everyone achieve success much more easily.