Minimal The Risks Of Falls For Physically Challenged People

Dealing with physical challenges on a daily basis can be tough, especially if the risk of falling is a constant threat. If you or a loved one struggle with these challenges, you’ll be glad to know that there are devices that can help make your life a lot easier. Let’s go over five amazing devices that can help reduce the risk of falling for the physically challenged.

Sensor Mats Featuring Alarms

In some cases, someone who is physically challenged may be confined to a bed, chair, room, or area for their own safety. Despite this, there are times when the individual may decide to leave their designated spot on their own, and without supervision. This can create a variety of problems, most notably the risk of falling and receiving a further injury.

To counter this problem, hospitals, nursing homes, and other places where the physically challenged are cared for can use sensor mats. These special mats have sensors in them that will notify the staff when the person with a physical disability has moved on their own.

For example, a sensor mat can be placed next to a person’s hospital bed so that the staff knows that they have tried to leave the bed unassisted. Once the signal is received, they can then send the appropriate assistance, and make sure the individual doesn’t suffer a fall.

Incontinence Underwear

Rushing to get to the restroom can be a hassle for ordinary people, but a huge danger for those suffering from physical challenges. To combat this, there is a wide range of incontinence underwear that’s been developed for the psychically challenged, the elderly, and people who simply have issues with this sort of thing.

The great thing about incontinence underwear is that modern technology has made it smaller, more comfortable, and practically invisible. This allows those with physical challenges to feel more comfortable, confident, and less likely to endanger themselves making a mad dash to the restroom when the begin having issues with incontinence, or a simple restroom emergency.

You can click here to learn more about incontinence underwear, and other devices that help prevent the physically challenged from falling.

Adaptable Clothing

Speaking of clothing that helps keep the psychically challenged from falling, there is also something called adaptive clothing. The main goal of adaptive clothing is to help make getting dressed easier, and less risky for those with physical challenges. It can also help the challenged individual retain their privacy if they’re having to rely on others to help them dress and undress each day.

The basic concept behind adaptive clothing is clothing that has been designed to be slipped on and off with minimal effort. This includes pants with side openings, ponchos that can be put on over the head, and a variety of items using Velcro instead of buttons or laces.

For more info on adaptable clothing, and the various brands available, go here. Multi-functional Toilet

It’s no secret that some psychically challenged people have trouble using the restroom due to restrictions created by traditional toilets. However, thanks to modern technology there are toilets that make life much easier and can help prevent a fall.

Some of the features these amazing machines use are self-flushing, integrated bidet, motion activated seats, and cleaning options that eliminate the need to wipe. Some even come with handrails to help the physically challenged person sit and stand as needed.

For more info on multi-functional toilets, aka multi-functional commodes, take a look here.

Emergency Evacuation Chairs

The last item on this list that we need to go over is emergency evacuation chairs. These are mainly used in hospitals and other facilities that care for the physically challenged but can be useful in the home as well.

While the design of these chairs is fairly simple, they can perform a variety of functions such as transforming between a 4 wheeled chair, to a ground device for patients who need to remain laying down. They also feature safety belts, and a traction breaking system.