11 Eating Habits To Help Ease The Seasonal Depression

When the days get shorter, and there is little sunlight, as well as colder the mental condition that becomes very common, is seasonal depression. Feeling low, sudden mood changes, and disrupted circadian rhythms are distinguishing symptoms of this condition.  

Many factors can actually cause seasonal depression. It occurs due to an inconsistency of mood-regulating hormones. The deficiency of vitamin D also contributes to it. The brain naturally tends to synthesize more melatonin hormone to induce sleep. 

Common Treatments

SAD can be treated with the help of both medicines and even therapy. Light therapy allows maintaining circadian rhythm with exposure to artificial light, and talk therapy assists in feeling more socially connected. Both of these therapies are excellent to treat SAD. Anti-depressants and vitamin D supplements are also used to help patients get some relief from the symptoms of this state.

Eating Habits That Work Well

Nutrition can play a meaningful role in uplifting mood and boosting brain function. Balance is the key here. Here are some dietary patterns that can help to deal with such conditions.

1. Say Goodbye To Alcohol

There is a close connection between alcohol abuse and depression too. During the seasonal depression, usually, people go after suppressants such as drugs and alcohol. Instead of doing any good, alcoholism may worsen the condition and symptoms. Thus, the first thing you need is to say goodbye to alcohol.

To help you get engaged in something productive, find a treatment or therapy program in order to set free from alcoholism. You can start off by searching for quality treatments around you. For example, you can search for  rehab Miami or any place you desire to set yourself on a journey to sobriety.

2. Eat Salmon And Rainbow Trout

Generally, fish make a great source of brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, it provides a sufficient level of Vitamin D. Eating more fish allows a person to source more Vitamin D through diet. Salmon and rainbow trout are rich in both of these brain-boosting nutrients. Make sure to eat at least 7-8 ounces of fish every week, especially during winters.

3. Find Replacement Of High Carb Junk Food

People usually go after high-carb junk food to feel good and relaxed. The bad thing is that the payoff it brings is short-lived. Also, high-carb junk food makes a high-calorie unhealthy food that a person should avoid. On the other hand, fruits such as blueberries are excellent for brain health. Rich in nutrients, flavonoids offer a sweet treat with many health benefits.

4. Use Whole Grain And Proteins In Combination

You can look to go after a combination of whole grains and proteins. Proteins keep the body fuller, and whole grains keep the blood sugar level steady. Hence it makes a brain-boosting combination that enhances mood. There are a number of healthy options for both whole grains and proteins.

5. Choose Tea Over Coffee

Many people consume exceeding amounts of coffee to keep themselves alert and feel more energetic. However, coffee is rich in caffeine that works as a stimulant for the brain. Instead of coffee, you can go after tea to help you feel energetic.

Teas also offer caffeine but in a milder way that is least harmful. Furthermore, teas also offer nutrients that naturally boost brain and brain functions, such as L-thiamine and EGCG, which directly influence neurotransmitter dopamine. Such neurotransmitters work to lessen bodily inflammation and uplift mood.

6. Source Zinc From Seafood

Seafood abundantly supplies zinc to the body. Many studies suggest that depression and zinc deficiency are interlinked. An adequate level of zinc is essential to neural communication, and it also promotes neurotransmitter function. Seafood such as crab, oysters, and lobster make a rich source of zinc that adequately fulfills the daily requirement of zinc.

7. Add Proteins to Your Diet

Unbalanced dietary habits are the major cause of the imbalance of neural hormones that leads to depression. Both plants based and animal-based proteins. Results of the study conducted in Finland also found that people who followed vegetarian diets were more likely to develop depression as compared to others. Chicken, fish, and meat all make a healthy source of protein.

8. Make Use Of Dark Chocolate

Excess of sugary delights can immediately trigger serotonin in the mind, which suddenly improves mood. However, this does not last long, and after a while, a person is likely to feel down. A high percentage of dark chocolate contains cocoa which enhances mood.

9. Use Seasonal Vegetables

Cruciferous and green vegetables abundantly supply B vitamins in addition to other nutrients. Increased intake of B vitamins is also considered effective in mitigating the symptoms of depression. Vegetables bring many other health benefits as a by-product.

For instance, it makes weight management much easier. In order to maintain a balance in the diet, you should look to add vegetables. Vegetables also provide fiber to the body and help to avoid gastrointestinal problems too.

10. Use Fermented Foods

You can even think about adding fermenting foods to the diet as this support and promote gut health. In addition to promoting a healthy gut microbiome, fermented foods also work to reduce bodily inflammation. The gut is the place of production of serotonin hormone. Yogurt and kefir not only promote a healthy gut biome but also plays a significant role in improving mood.

11. Nuts And Seeds

Nuts and seeds nourish the brain and improve mood through a rich supply of healthy fats, omega-3 fatty acids, along with antioxidants. Seeds such as pumpkin seeds are considered great for brain health. Foods that boost brain health also assist in managing good moods and decreasing the symptoms of depression. Walnuts, almonds, and cashews all are equally beneficial and nutritious.

Take Away

Try to maintain a balance and add all major food groups to your diet. Also, a focus on brain benefiting nutrients can help in improving mood. A more positive and mood-enhancing dietary focus will help to deal better with SAD symptoms.