Which Habits Keep You Awake At Night?

Mistakes you probably don’t know about keep you awake and undermine your night’s rest. If you suffer from insomnia but can’t figure out the cause, don’t despair! In this article, we will tell you what bad habits lead to disrupted night’s sleep. For example, to get a good night’s sleep and rest, it’s important not to eat at least two hours before bedtime and to avoid using electronic devices. By giving up these habits, you can solve your sleep problems.

Habits That Keep You Awake

Sleep is very important for all people because it helps the body recover from certain diseases. So if you’ve been having trouble resting lately, it could be due to one or more of the following common mistakes.

1. Coffee After Dinner

Coffee or sweets at night can cause insomnia. This is due to their stimulating properties. Be careful with caffeine and refined sugar after dinner. It is better not to go near them two hours before bedtime if you want to sleep peacefully at night. No liquid is worth drinking at the time of going to bed. This is because it will lead to frequent night awakenings.

2. Late Night Drinking

Though drinking late at night may make you drowsy initially if it becomes a habit, insomnia will become a part of your life. In addition, experts believe that people who abuse alcoholic beverages are more likely to have sleep problems along with other serious health problems.

Thus, it is imperative to take this matter more seriously and immediately ask for help. There are many rehabs and treatment programs available in every State of the US to help people fight addiction. 

Some of the most common ones are 3-day rehab, 5-day, and 7-day rehab programs. These detox programs are effective in withdrawing substances from the body. However, such programs must be followed by proper rehabilitation to make recovery more effective.

3. Sleep On A Full Stomach

Another common mistake is a hearty dinner, especially when you sleep on your belly. Heaviness in the stomach leads to nightmares, insomnia, and gastroesophageal reflux. Also, in the morning, most likely, you will get up tired. After dinner, it is better to wait at least an hour before going to bed. It will prevent any sort of negative consequences and help you sleep better.

4. Sleep At Different Times

The body needs a routine that it must strictly follow. If one day you go to bed early, and the next day you go to sleep in the morning, the body simply does not understand what to do. This confusion causes changes at the brain level. Thus, you will not be able to fall asleep when you need it. Therefore, bedtime is very important for the body. Even on holidays and weekends, try to go to bed and get up at the same time.

5. Getting Up Late

Since we don’t sleep much during the week, we try to make the most of the weekends and get up late. Unfortunately, this is one of the mistakes that keep you awake at night. Trying to sleep makes us sluggish and requires more and more rest. For this reason, no matter how much sleep you get all weekend, try to wake up at the same time. This will help you keep the same energy On Monday and feel less tired.

6. Watching TV Or Using A Mobile Phone

The use of technical devices before going to bed delays the production of a hormone that regulates sleep cycles. This is because the brain receives stimuli and “thinks” it should be awake! It is not recommended to watch the news or scary films, use a tablet or mobile phone in bed. Do not forget that the mind and eyes need a break from the bright screen.

7. Lack Of Suitable Mattress Or Clothing

How long have you not changed your pillows or mattress? You must change them at least once every three years to avoid spinal injuries and sleep disturbances such as insomnia. In turn, adapt bed linen and nightwear to the air temperature and be comfortable. 

There should be no tight pajamas, lots of blankets, or socks that squeeze your ankles. The more comfortable you feel, the faster you will fall asleep and the less likely you are to wake up in the middle of the night.

8. Sleep With Lights On

The brain needs darkness to signal that it is time for sleep. If you leave the lights or the TV on, or if it’s too bright outside, you won’t be able to sleep, or you won’t sleep well. Try not to decorate the bedroom with lights that glow in the darkness. You should be careful about the curtains and make sure they are made of thick fabric.

9. Sleep With Someone (Including Pets)

Co-sleeping can be a very enjoyable experience, but it also has negative consequences for your rest. For example, if you sleep with a partner, dog, children, or cat, the quality of your sleep will be worse than if you slept alone. This is because, at night, you will have to adjust to the movements, sounds, and temperatures of the people or animals around you. If you have trouble sleeping, consider moving to another room or at least a separate bed (sofa).

10. Uncomfortable Temperature In The Bedroom

In the summer, do you turn up the air conditioner to the maximum and sleep in socks, and in the winter, you heat the room so that you start to sweat at night? Both extremes are bad for your health as well as sleep. Therefore, it is best to maintain the room at a comfortable average temperature (e.g., 20°C).

Take Away

Our habits, as well as our environment, influence the quality of our sleep. Therefore, if you want to relax, be active, and improve your health, knowing what mistakes spoil your sleep is important. By correcting them, you can get rid of insomnia. If this does not happen, we recommend consulting a psychologist or doctor.