Top 5 Ways That Remote Working Makes Employees Happy

It is now more and more common for companies to hire across borders, cities, and even continents now that remote, hybrid, and home-based working is a possibility for so many. All you really need is a stable internet connection, the right equipment, and a dedicated mindset – and you can practically work for any company, from anywhere in the world. 

We’ve noticed that there are many different ways in which people set up their at-home workstations, and the ways in which companies themselves are restructuring and rebuilding their networks and infrastructures to better suit the remote style of work that many have come to know and love. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of your company to ensure that you have access to what is needed to get your job done properly, and comfortably at the same time. 

When it comes to how an employee can keep their teams happy while working from home, it’s best to speak to the experts. We chatted with TechQuarters, who is an award-winning Microsoft Gold Partner providing IT Support Services in London – they had the following points to note when it comes to keeping remote workers happy, engaged, and thriving! 

Here are our top five-way in which employers can ensure their remote workers are happy:

Get together as a team at least once a day –

Build a sense of community and togetherness by still maintaining daily check-in calls with the team, whether that’s once or twice a day, it will keep everyone included and clued up on what each other is working on. 

Create individual goals for certain people to check off each day or week –

Set goals for each team member to achieve by the end of the day or week to keep them focused and motivated, whether it’s big or small, it will give your teams a sense of direction each day. 

Build trust between yourself and your teams –

Allow your teams the freedom to enjoy the benefits and flexibility of working from home without making them feel like it’s a burden.

Show appreciation when the team wins –

Make everyone aware of when someone achieves a milestone or goal like you usually would in the office! 

Encourage your teams to have their own personal workspace at home –

If you feel at ease, you’re more likely to get your work done quickly and without being distracted. There are many tips out there to help you make the most of the space you have available at home so that you’re comfortable and distraction-free at all times. 

The usual idea of a typical workforce has changed quite drastically over the past few years – no longer does a workforce mean an office and stuffy meeting rooms, it now means freedom and flexibility too. A happy workforce, especially a happy remote workforce, will make life so much easier for everyone – if you can actually enjoy your job, find purpose in the work you do, have the ability to get the job done efficiently, and can do all this in the comfort of your own home – you are most definitely winning!