4 Ways to help your kid unplug from technology

Staying at home during the global pandemic has led youngsters to spend more time on their electronic devices. Schools across the world closed down and education made the transition to the online format. Everything from learning to parties is now taking place online, so it is pretty impossible to avoid screens. Perhaps it is too much. Spending more than 2 hours a day in front of the computer or tablet exceeds the recommended pediatric guidelines. The school year is over, but it is hard, if not impossible to get your kid off their device. Jumping out of the digital world does not seem tempting, especially now that your child has got used to it. So, what can you do? If you are concerned that your youngster might be developing a technology addiction, take immediate measures. This is what you can do to help. 

1. Set a good example 

In case you did not already know, youngsters learn things in life by observing others. They watch their parents, as well as other adults around them, paying close attention to everything they say or do. This is precisely why it is so important to set a good example. Your child will pick on your positive cues and will undoubtedly follow them. Your actions and attitudes have a profound influence on your kid when it comes to many things, including technology consumption. The point is that if you tell your child to spend less time on their devices but you cannot seem to be able to let your phone down, you will send the wrong message. 

Do not pull out your phone during dinner to check your Instagram notifications. And do not become glued to the TV. If you want your pride and joy to take notice of the offline world, put away all your devices unless it is absolutely necessary to go online. Set screen time limits and avoid the temptation of clicking. Be a good parent and set a good example. You can take things one step further by explaining your behavior. More exactly, explain why you are not keen on the idea of spending so much time in front of the laptop or TV, even if it is to teach your kid a lesson. They will appreciate your honesty. 

2. Have another activity lined up 

If you have a young device user in your home, making the transition to the offline world becomes complicated. Try doing something together as a family. For instance, you can go into the kitchen and make something delicious for dinner. Cooking involves several measurements, so you can help your kid boost their math abilities. It is the perfect occasion to introduce your kid to scientific notions. Teach them what happens when certain ingredients are mixed together or if the measurements are incorrect. You will have a great time doing it. When you cook, do not even try to look up recipes from the Internet. Use your old cookbook. 

If you are busy for the day, send your child off to summer day camp. They can get outside and enjoy what is left of the summer. Day camps in Queens, in particular, offer age-appropriate experiences to play and learn together. They are closely following the guidelines received from the CDC, so there is no reason to worry that your kid will come back sick. As more and more communities in the United States are taking advantage of summer day camps, it does not come as a surprise that the CDC is closely monitoring them. You will be happy to hear that the recreational facilities take their recommendations at heart and prevent COVID-19 from spreading. 

3. Keep the screens out of the bedroom

It goes without saying that screens have no place in the bedroom. They emit blue light, which is easily absorbed by the cornea and crystalline lens, eventually leading to retinal damage. It is one of the “perks” of living in digital life. Studies have demonstrated that blue light brings about sleep issues, not to mention blurry vision and eye fatigue. Invest in a pair of glasses that are designed to filter out blue light. Most importantly, take the TV and laptop out of the bedroom, even if your child does not agree with your decision. It is for their good. 

Keep in mind that it is never too late to place restrictions in terms of device use. So, what if you have a teenager? They have to listen to their parents, just like everyone else. Your child should be spending more time reading or getting some sleep. Speaking of which, it is recommended to surround your kid with reading material. If you do not have a collection of reading resources in your home, do not waste any more time and order some books. Your offspring gets to decide what they want to read. Let them have a say in choosing the reading material if you want them to be more involved in this type of activity. 

4. Make sure to discuss the consequences of too much screen time 

Parents frequently resort to consequences when it comes down to teaching kids about responsibility and accountability. If you are concerned that your child cannot unplug from technology, discipline them in a way that does not affect their self-esteem. Have a chat and discuss the possible outcomes of consuming too much technology. When they have all the facts at their disposal, they will think differently. A healthy relationship with your kid is built on trust and respect. Talk with your child and see what they think about using smartphones, tablets, and phones. 

Contrary to popular belief, you can reason with kids of any age. They are capable of making logical connections between ideas and are perfectly capable of grasping complex notions. So, you will not be wasting your time explaining the negative effects of technology. The use of technology is a good thing, there is no denying that, and youngsters need digital skills. But they should consume technology in moderation. That is the only issue.