5 Most Lucrative Professions in the IT-Industry

The labor market has been experiencing tremendous changes in the last two decades under the influence of the IT-industry. As more and more people are using technologies on a global scale, there’s a higher demand for professionals who stand behind those technologies. 

Young people who are in two minds over their future career path and working employees on the professional crossroads should pay attention to the following lucrative job opportunities in the current IT- industry. 

1) Software developer

One of the most popular jobs in the IT-field, it’s a profession that stands behind the largest share of IT-features we use every day. From mobile apps on our mobile phones and software tools you use at work to e-banking and online payments, software developers make this tech-based world work. 

Freshmen-to-be need to enrol at one of the universities that offer computer science study programs and courses. 

Working people from other fields may do the same or opt for one of the online software engineering courses. be aware that learning computer science on your own might be a too complex thing to do so it’s recommended to attend a course provided by a licensed educational institution. 

As reported by PayScale, software developers make around $71,000 per year on average. 

2) Technical program manager

A borderline case between a product manager and a project manager, a technical program manager (TPM) is a fresh profession. This person has several different roles in a company. On the one hand, he/she is obliged to juggle project managers, product owners, and projects themselves. On the other hand, a technical program manager is in charge of testing code, assessing product deliveries, and supervising the entire production process. 

The necessary skills include programming, i.e. computer science, as well as project management and organization. 

According to PayScale, the average annual salary that a TPM can expect in the US revolves around $ 124,000.

3) Infrastructure architect

Every company uses a variety of in-house and rented servers, various data centers, and diverse cloud-based solutions. People who put these infrastructural elements to practice and maintain them are called infrastructure architects. They estimate the infrastructural capabilities of their companies and report to their managers on these subjects. Also, they create both short-term and long-term plans and establish goals for improving their existing infrastructure. What’s more, they plan and supervise data migration between data centers, servers, and cloud platforms.

Infrastructure architects need to have extensive knowledge of modern servers and business cloud solutions to make things function properly together within the IT-system.

The reported average salary for infrastructure architects in the US is $99,000 per year.

4) Information security engineer

As the number of Internet users, services provided via the Web, and remote workers is rising, the risk of hackers’ attacks is becoming more obvious, as well. This is why more and more companies hire information security engineers. These professionals monitor and protect various IT-systems, from in-house servers and internal networks to testing and configuring different aspects of internal IT-systems. 

They need to possess the knowledge of IT-system architecture and coding, as well as a substantial amount of relevant experience in the niche. Since information security engineers are in charge of encryption, attending a Web cryptography course can be a valuable asset to land such a job. 

Again, PayScale reports that the position of an information security engineer brings about $95000 per year. 

5) UX/UI designer

UX/UI designers are persons who stand behind every single visual element we use in applications, software tools, user interfaces, and on the Internet. While software developers are here to ensure the functionality of the back-end aspect of IT-solutions, UX and UI-designers bring the front visual solutions. Also, even though sometimes their roles overlap, there’s a distinction between these two professions, as well. 

User interface (UI) designers deal with buttons, images, layouts, and general visual organization of elements of IT-solutions. 

User experience (UX) designers, on the other hand, cope with the functionality of those solutions from a user’s point of view. 

Based on the experience of designers from a Houston web design company, UX/UI designers need to master Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, as well as HTML and CSS to get equipped for this profession. 

PayScale reports the average salary of $75,000 for this profession. 

The IT-world is growing so fast that the job categories and requirements are subject to sudden changes. Perhaps the jobs listed as highly paid in this guide will change their form soon or they will split into two or more separate jobs. Nevertheless, if you start pursuing a career in any of them, you can expect steady growth of both your niche and your income. This is what matters in the modern business world so we recommend landing one of those or any other similarly lucrative jobs in the IT-industry

Author Byline:

Liam Collins is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast working at TuiSpace.com. He spends most of his time reading and writing about the current affairs in the world of information technology. When he isn’t working, he likes going for long bike rides and walks in nature.