Coronavirus Outbreak: How to Manage Stress around Covid

The coronavirus outbreak has led to widespread chaos in a dreadfully short period. Innumerable deaths, ever-increasing COVID-19 patients, and rising financial instability are being recorded daily. To top that off, the economic unrest, unemployment issues, and political turbulence are making matters worse.

One of the important things to practice during this devastating time is to learn to manage stress related to COVID-19. If you’re looking for additional ways to deal with the virus, you can refer to Covid and Post-Covid Recovery: DoctorVee’s 6-Point Plan, which teaches you how to survive and thrive during the pandemic. 

Let’s check out some general ways on how to manage stress around Covid?


Meditation is the holy grail of all anxiety-related issues. An hour of morning meditation can remedy any mental disturbance and help your mind align with your inner peace instantly. It also helps improve your mental stability in many ways. So, if you find yourself surrounded by Covid anxiety, a few minutes of dedicated meditation can work like magic for you. 

Spend quality time with family

Reading the paper and scrolling through your social media feed daily may help you stay informed, but it can take a severe toll on your mental health. Instead, take some time off and try playing with the kids, helping your mother with chores, or spending time with other family members. This can uplift your mood instantly.

Organize your day

Nothing helps in beating stress like a productive day. When you are engaged in practical activities throughout the day, you minimize the time to indulge in anxiety. That is why organizing your day correctly can help you feel more peaceful during this crucial hour. Chalk out work hours, time for family, and me-time as well. We promise, it will help you immensely. If you want to know more about how to cope with the virus, you can try DoctorVee’s 6-step handbook.

Get your power nap 

Sleeping well can help eliminate anxiety to a large extent. When you sleep, your mind is resting and does not get a chance to give in to fears at all. That is why you should try and get rest as much as you can. 

Follow your passion

Following a passion is something one does with all their heart. Do whatever you love. Read a book, listen to music, or take a walk across the park nearby. Make sure whatever you do keeps you safe from the pandemic and helps you enjoy yourself to the fullest. You will see results in no time. That is why experts suggest taking up a hobby when you feel anxious and helpless. It is the best way to distract yourself. 

The Bottom Line 

These are some simple ways of dealing with the virus during Covid times. Make sure you read the book on COVID-19, published by HarperCollins India, for more helpful tips on how to tackle the virus. 

Do you want to escape from the virus? Get your hands on this book now. 


Dr. Vishakha Shivdasani has helped numerous patients to recover from the after-effects of COVID-19 throughout this difficult time. Her far-reaching knowledge as an MBBS doctor about wellness can be observed through her recent work published by HarperCollins India. Indeed, she is all set to make her mark in the sphere of health & wellness.