How to Choose Accessories For A Small Apartment

Decorating a new apartment is so much fun. But if you live in a small place, it can be hard to know where to start. 

There’s furniture, of course, but what about all the accessories? In a small space, you don’t have room for a ton of decor, but you can still have some.

As long as you don’t let things get out of hand, you can have a stylish and trendy apartment.

Here are nine accessories that should make the cut. Here’s to new beginnings and having a great time setting up your home sweet home! 

1. Keep the Dirt Away with a Rug

No apartment is complete without a rug in the entryway. It’ll help keep your residence clean and tidy.

If you tend to wear shoes in your apartment, place rugs in other rooms too.

You could put one in your kitchen. If you decide to do that, find a mat that’ll hold up well. It should do a good job at trapping dust and dirt that would otherwise go on your kitchen floor. 

Besides helping with dirt, a rug can also add some personality to your place.

Spice things up by getting a fun welcome mat to put outside your door. It could say something clever such as Sup. Or, if you have dogs, you might get a funny rug that says All Guests Must Be Approved by the Dogs.

2. Get a Versatile Coffee Table 

A coffee table is a must-have in your living room. When you get one, make sure it has plenty of space to store things. 

If you get a small table, that’s fine, but it’d be helpful if it’s versatile too. 

A coffee table that has a shelf underneath is great for making use of your space. Use it to hide books, magazines, or even an extra blanket in your living room.

3. Decorate with Some Art Prints

Having art prints isn’t a necessity, but every apartment could use a bit of personality, right? 

Pick out an art print that stands out and suits your style.

If you’re into modern art, find an abstract piece that speaks to you. If you’re more into photography, look for a nice landscape or portrait you like.

To keep the clutter at bay in a smaller space, consider hanging only one big piece. They make excellent focal points while only occupying one wall.

Find the right prints and your interiors will shine!

4. Change Your Curtains

Even if your apartment comes with curtains, consider swapping them out.

A window curtain panel is perfect for maximum privacy. And, if you select one in a new pattern, it can also add style to any space. 

Find one that blends in well with your apartment. You’ll love the finished look.

5. Buy Furniture with Media Storage

If you still have DVDs and Blu-rays around (I know there are some of you out there), you’ll need storage. Otherwise, your collection will end up scattered around your home.

Look for media storage towers that fit comfortably in your living room or bedroom.

But, if possible, make time to digitize your media. If you do this, you’ll have more space for other items.

6. Add Flattering Light with a Floor Lamp

Your apartment may already have plenty of lighting.

Even so, the light of a floor lamp can make your apartment shine.

In the evenings, you can turn out the lights and keep a floor lamp on for partial lighting. Having less light is excellent for when you’re watching a movie and prefer not to have bright light beaming down from the ceiling.

You could add a second one in your bedroom for extra light in there, too. Put a floor lamp on either side of the bed and turn it on a low setting in the evenings. Dimming the lights will make it easier to wind down before bedtime.

7. Bring Nature Indoors with a Houseplant

An indoor plant or two can do wonders for the appearance of your interior. And, they work well in smaller apartments. 

You don’t have to get large plants; smaller ones look just as nice. 

Plants bring nature into your home, which is especially great when you’re cooped up.

Add a few plants on a bookshelf. Or, get a single floor plant that’ll steal the show in an earthy room.

You’ll feel relaxed and cozy in your nature-inspired apartment. 

8. Make Fido Feel at Home with a Bed

As you make decisions about which accessories to include, it’s important to keep your pets in mind.

Don’t get carried away with all the pet-themed decor right away. However, be sure to make room for a cozy dog bed.

If your dog likes to follow you around the apartment, a few dog beds will give him a spot to lay down in every room.

Remember, it’s your pet’s apartment too!

9. Enjoy Your Evenings with Trendy Wine Glasses

Depending on your lifestyle, wine glasses may or may not be a necessity. But it’s nice to have them for get-togethers.

Try stemless wine glasses that make it easy to sip on your favorite wine. 

Wine glasses that don’t have a stem are also very versatile because you can drink other beverages from them, too.

In Conclusion

These accessories are just a few things you might want for your apartment. It’s up to you to decide which ones you can’t live without.

But, don’t forget to buy the essentials (which should be first on your list). After adding them, fill in the rest of your space with fun extras.

Living in a smaller apartment doesn’t have to get you down. It takes more time to figure out where to place things, but if you’re up for the challenge, decorating will be a blast.

So, look fear in the face and narrow down your favorite accessories. Chances are you’ll have room to spare, and then you can add a few more items. 

Good luck, and have fun setting up your new apartment!

Author Bio:

Caitlin Sinclair is the Business Manager for Jefferson Rise, an apartment community in Anaheim, CA.