10 Tips to Improve the Reach of Your Instagram [Free]

Social Network is one of the social networks that has been growing the most in recent years; therefore, it is very important to work on it correctly. Today we bring you some guidelines to improve the reach of an Instagram account and increase followers.

To improve the reach of an Instagram account you have to dedicate a lot of time and effort; Since being a purely visual social network, you have to take great care of the quality of the publications.

Tips to Improve the Reach of an Instagram Account

Improving the reach of an Instagram account requires time and dedication since you must take care of the quality of the publications and generate interaction with your audience. However, once you have managed to create your community of followers, you will see how it is much easier to publicize your products and services and even increase your sales.

1 – Basic Followers to Attract More

you need to have some basic Instagram followers to increase your popularity. More followers means more credibility. If people who want to follow you see there are just few users following you, they may give up the idea of following you. You could get some free Instagram followers from GetInsta. 

1. Launch app

2 – Optimize Your Profile

It is something we already talked about when we told you how to create an account on Instagram; however, if you didn’t do it at the beginning, it is very important to do it now. Having a complete and attractive profile is very important to improve the reach of an Instagram account.

Convert your profile into a company profile, in order to have access to statistics and offer much more information to your users. Take care of your profile photo, use your company logo or brand image and don’t forget to include a link to your website. Create an attractive description to be able to retain users who come to your profile.

3 – Publish Quality Content

Instagram is fundamentally a visual network, but not everything goes. Make sure your images are of good quality, make attractive compositions and use the filters that Instagram puts at your disposal to edit them.

4 – Find Your Best Time to Post

It is very important that you keep in mind that to achieve a relevant reach on this social network, you have to publish daily. But it is not enough to launch an image a day, you have to analyze what is the best time to publish and when your audience is connected to be able to reach them.

With the algorithm that Instagram uses to sort the content, if you don’t have a great interaction in the first minutes after publishing your post, it almost disappears. Therefore, you must launch your publications when your users are connected.

Create an editorial calendar to plan your publications by days, hours and topics. It is the easiest way to not forget anything.

5 – Interaction is the Key

Invite your followers to interact with your posts to improve the reach of an account on Instagram. Make close posts, ask them questions, encourage them to comment on your post, create hashtags so that they can share their photos with you… These are just some ideas to encourage interaction on your profile.

If you manage to increase the interaction with your publications, you will see how almost instantly your reach increases and you get more followers interested in your product or service.

The main way to get interaction is from your followers. So, if you don’t have enough followers, getting some Instagram followers free is your first step to enhance your interaction. 

6 – Videos and Stories are Very Important

Take advantage of the opportunity that Instagram offers to publish videos, stories or live videos; since the video increases the link of the users with the brands.

Of course, as with the photos, it must be a careful and planned content. Make sure your videos are of good quality and relevant to your followers. Not everything goes.

7- Don’t Forget to Use Hashtags

Hashtags are one of the best ways to reach an audience that does not follow you yet, use them in your publications and you will see how your reach increases. Also, now Instagram allows users to follow hashtags in the same way that they follow profiles, so you can get more reach.

Find relevant hashtags related to your industry and use them in your posts to improve the reach of an Instagram account and increase followers.


8 – Contests and Raffles

When you are launching your account, a very useful tool is giveaways and contests, in which you ask people who want to participate to share your photos or tag you in theirs, so you can also reach many more people.

Giveaways or contests are a relatively cheap tool that allows you to increase the reach of your account on Instagram.

9 – Promoted Publications

If you want to increase the reach of your account on Instagram quickly and easily, the easiest thing is to resort to advertising on Instagram or visit origin, you will have to invest some money, but you will see your reach increase and you will be able to attract new followers.

This is a very personal decision, you can use the ads at the beginning, when you are starting with your account or for special campaigns. It’s up to you.

10 – In Short: Time and Work

In short, if you want to increase the reach of an Instagram account and increase followers, you need to invest time and work in creating quality content and interacting with other users. In that sense, Instagram is one of the social networks that needs the most investment of time to offer results.

But do not be discouraged, if you work well, you will see how you get results.

These are the top 10 tips to improve the reach of an Instagram account and increase followers. Now you can jump into the Instagramer world.

Chet It: Upleap