Urinary Incontinence: Risks, Causes & Treatment

Urinary incontinence means the loss of control over your bladder. It is a common and embarrassing condition that can happen to anyone. It is characterized by a strong urgency to urinate and cannot be controlled even for a short period. Visit the best urologist in Medanta hospital in Gurgaon for diagnosis and treatment. There are various risk factors associated with urinary incontinence. Some of them are as follows:

  • Female gender – Women in comparison are slightly more affected by this condition than males.
  • Older age – If you are 60 or above, you are at a greater risk of developing this condition.
  • Obesity – Obese people generally suffer more from this condition and are at a greater risk. 
  • Diabetes – People suffering from diabetes frequently develop this condition. 
  • Neurological disorders – Neurological disorders or damage to any part of the brain may severely affect your control over the bladder.

Understanding the causes of urinary incontinence:

Urinary Incontinence can be both temporary or permanent. It can be caused due to a variety of medical conditions or due to your everyday habits. For temporary urinary incontinence, the causes could be:

  • Alcohol – Overconsumption of alcohol can damage your kidneys and lead to urinary incontinence.
  • Medications – Medications for heart, muscle relaxants or any other disorder can also cause urinary incontinence.
  • Urinary tract infection – Infections in the bladder can constantly irritate it and make you feel the urge to urinate.
  • Constipation – The rectum and the urinary bladder are closely situated and share many of the same nerves. Hence, hard stool can irritate and overstimulate these nerves and cause frequent urination.

If the urinary incontinence is persistent and interfering in your daily activities, it can be due to the following reasons:

  • Childbirth – Childbirth can weaken the muscles and nerves surrounding the urinary bladder which may lead to a loss in bladder control.
  • Obstruction: A tumor or any sort of obstruction in the urinary tract can overstimulate the nerves of the urinary bladder and cause incontinence.
  • Neurological disorders: Various neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, brain stroke, etc can weaken the nerve signals required for bladder control. 

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence:

Urinary Incontinence is a common disease and can be treated. The treatment can vary from person to person as it depends on various factors like age, gender, type of incontinence, etc. Visit the best urologist at Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon to determine the treatment option best suitable for you. Some of the treatment options are as follows:

  1. Medications:

Medicines like Anticholeretics or topical estrogen may be given to calm overactive bladder or reinforce the tissues in the urethra to stop incontinence. Medications are not prescribed alone but usually given in combination with other techniques.

2. Behavioral Training:

Patients are given the training to control their urge and different techniques are taught to them to delay the urination.

3. Stress Incontinence:

Various Pelvic floor exercises also known as Kegel exercises are taught to the patients. These exercises help in strengthening the pelvic muscles which help in controlling the bladder as well as the urinary sphincter which allows the passage of urine.

4. Surgery:

If none of the medications or techniques works, patients are generally advised to undergo surgery. Surgery involves inserting a mesh to support the bladder and the urethra or the insertion of an artificial sphincter which helps to control the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra. Women who plan on having children should have a thorough discussion with the doctor before the surgery.

For any further queries, book an appointment with a urologist at Medanta Hospital in Gurgaon and get them cleared today!