Why Should Your Business Have the Option of Live Chat?

Any business which has an online consumer base and relies a lot on its website should incorporate the feature of love chat into its website. Several independent surveys have proved that this improves the customer experience of most people and even helps business to build relationships which last longer. Customers often expect a particular level of service from businesses and this is a way to go beyond them and improve your communication with them. Several businesses have reported higher numbers in both sales and reviews from customers which are satisfactory or higher.

What Exactly is Live Chat?

It is a tool for online communication that helps two people chat, like Messenger. Different websites may include different types of messages but most of them include documents, images, and links as well. The number of companies who offer live chat in UK and around the world have increased significantly in the past few years. It is an extremely easy way to engage with your customers. And unlike call centres, your agent may be anywhere in the world and will still be able to answer their queries.

Benefits of Live Chat

1. Improves the Satisfaction of Customers

It is built primarily for customer support and does just that. It allows you to respond to your clients faster than emails or even calls. The interactive nature also helps. The biggest selling point is that the customer does not have to leave their computer/mobile or even switch tabs or apps to contact you. It is completely hassle-free. If you allow photos, then the customers can share exact screenshots of their problems or queries, leading to their problems being solved quicker.

2. Reduces the Company’s Expenses

There are various online live chat models which you can note. HMRC Webchat is one of them. It allows their agents to help their customers without having them access their accounts. However, one thing you will find common in all of them is that they save money.

Live chats are as fast as phone services, sometimes faster. Meanwhile, their hardware costs less, live chat agents cost less, and an agent for live chat can handle multiple customers at a time without making anyone wait. All these factors lead to live chat services becoming cheaper than phone services. Fewer agents also mean lesser costs of hiring and training.

3. Helps in Getting to Know Issues Better

The transcripts of a chat are much easier to analyze than call recordings and even email data. it is much easier to find the exact cause of the issue and even match them with similar issues of other clients to solve the problem quicker. This leads to quicker management of issues and also increases sales.

On each and every front, the option of having live chat is better for your company. It boosts customer satisfaction, increases interaction between you and your customer, leads to quicker management of problems, provides an easier interface for both you and your customer, reduces company costs, and boosts sales. On top of all this, it leads to the building of long-lasting relationships. If you have a website, you should definitely consider integrating a live chat service.