Reasons to Hire a Dog Bite Lawyer in Newport Beach

Being attacked by a dog can cause painful and lasting injuries for the victims, no matter how small or where the injury takes place on the body. Witnessing a child or other loved one become the helpless victim of a dog attack is just as scarring. 

If a dog bite has left you permanently disfigured and psychologically traumatized, it’s time you get the compensation you deserve. While most of the dogs are well-trained and safe, there are always some that can snap and go on the attack. The fact is that all animals maintain some level of unpredictability, as our Newport Beach dog bite lawyer understands. Even dogs that have never shown any signs of aggression and are submissive to an owner may attack another for no apparent reason. On any instance a dog bites or attacks you, the dog’s owner is legally responsible. 

Make it a priority to consult with a dog bite lawyer immediately to review your case and increase the chances of securing fair compensation. This is essential because dog attacks can be expensive in terms of lost wages, medical bills, and the cost of suffering. Dog bite lawyers work with you through each step of the claims process to help hold dog owners accountable and help you receive compensation, so that you don’t have to shoulder the financial burden of a vicious attack.

However, most people avoid hiring a lawyer because of the cost. Usually, in these types of injury claims, lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. That means the victim does not have to pay the lawyer unless he/she succeeds with the claim and receives compensation. 

In addition to upfront costs, there are other benefits as well that come with hiring a dog bite lawyer in Newport Beach. 

Skilled Negotiator on Your Side

The insurance company might offer you a settlement, but that does not mean they are offering you the amount you deserve. In most cases, they are offering much less than you deserve. Working with an experienced attorney helps. He/she will review the offer and counter with the amount you truly deserve. Often, this process can go back and forth several times until the right amount is agreed on. If you don’t have the patience, time to follow through, or resources to push repeatedly for what you deserve, your best offering is to hire a dog bite lawyer to do this for you. 

Vast Legal Knowledge

Every state is different with their dog bite laws. Some states automatically assign negligence to an owner, while others require evidence that did the dog previously bit somebody. You likely have your job you’re trying to keep up with, especially in light of your recent injuries. You’re also dealing with a lot on your plate as you try to recover from your attack or nurse your loved one back to health and do not have the time to research these laws. An experienced attorney knows dog bite statutes and is up-to-date on any legislation that affects them. They use their knowledge to help you make a fair recovery.


With an increase in online legal sites these days, many people think they can successfully negotiate their case. However, the truth is, online resources are helpful but they can’t replace the personal, professional experience of a dog bite lawyer. These lawyers handle similar cases as your many times and can use those case studies and examples to educate you on the process as well as outline what to expect and get the full compensation you deserve.

Personal Advocate

Everyone needs the assurance of having someone on their side when facing adversity. The job of your lawyer is to work on your behalf to ensure you get the settlement amount you deserve. The other part of your lawyer’s job is to prosecute the party at fault so that another person never gets a dog bite. Working with a professional, you get a personal advocate who fights for you and won’t rest until dog owners are held accountable in protecting the public from further injustices.

These are a few reasons why you need to hire a dog bite lawyer. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a vicious dog attack, you have the right to seek compensation. To get started, schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with Accident Lawyers Firm. They have an experienced team of dog bite attorney helping clients just like you seek compensation from owners and insurance companies. Contact them today at (949) 239-7032.